Thursday, June 19, 2008

I'm not blind

Went to the eye doctor today for a new prescription. My vision and astigmatism in my right eye is worse, but my eyes are healthy, which is good. Am going glasses shopping on Saturday with Mom and Liam, something I have needed to do for quite awhile. Should be fun, new glasses and sunglasses--going to look for a bigger pair of sunglasses that are a dark tint.

Liam had a great sleep last night, to the point of, we almost missed my appointment this morning, as he overslept... He needed it! He is down for his second nap right now; he plays so hard during the day, and wears himself right out.

Made yummy bbq pulled beef in the slow-cooker tonight. Yum-O! Put pepsi in the sauce, along with a ton of other things. Had coleslaw and homefries with it, and a salad. Very tasty!

Should run, need to get dinner stuff put away and dishes soaking. Plus, he's starting to stir... Cheers!

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