I took Liam to the zoo on Tuesday morning,
Wednesday took Liam and I to the doctor. Not fun. To sum it up, Liam had a rash that was spreading, I took him to the doctor, which he hates, she came near him, he got worked up until he was a pretty shade of purple, then threw up everywhere, while the doctor was telling me to get him to the sink. Right... 'cause my child knows to puke in a sink. Good on ya doc. Have been putting on lots of cream lately, and it seems to be easing a bit.
Thursday we stayed in, as it was horribly cold out. Missed playgroup, which bugs me, but I didn't want us to freeze our tushies off.
Friday was dad's birthday--positive. Negative, we took Liam to his pediatrician appointment. We went downtown early and wandered around, window shopping, which was fine. There are alot of changes going on downtown, not for the better, but that's just my opinion. Went to the doctor's office, checked in, still okay. They have a giant castle shaped play area, so Liam was happy. The doc was running late, so Liam spent most of the 45 minutes we were waiting, wandering the hall ways, toddling along, flirting with the ladies, and just-a movin'! Too adorable. When we finally got called in, they got him to stand on a scale--"Please Ms. Receptionist, Liam is 16 months and hates doctors, and you want him to stand on a wobbly scale, and then hold still?" I had to laugh. Nonetheless, we got him weighed, with clothes on, and he registered in at an adorable 35.6 pounds. My goodness. Fast forward to the doctor. Amazing and very nice doctor, a pleasure for Andy and I to deal with. He took Liam's history, we addressed our concerns about his eating and his strange sensitivity to anything touching his hands (he plays in puke though--seriously). Then the doc grabbed his scope, to look at Liam's mouth and do a quick exam, and Liam started to shake. Then he went stiff. He sobbed. The doc got closer, he balled. Doc got even closer, and the poor little man was hysterical, with tears pouring down his face. I could feel his stomach rejecting his milk, the doc backed off and out it came. I waited until he was done, tidied up as best I could, and thenchanged his clothes, and finished our visit. So, apparently, lesson learned, it's the doc's tools, not the doc him/her - self. He is being sent for an upper GI series--sure to invoke a series of vomit sessions, no doubt, then to a nutrition group at Children's Hospital, to give support with his eating. Otherwise he is healthy, and the doc just says, he will outgrow it, it is common, and that he has a sensitive gag reflex and tummy. Mommy feels better, and that her child is just a wee bit slow with his eating... sigh...
Went to visit my dad in the afternoon to bring him his birthday pressies, and to bring them dinner. I made them chicken pot pie to heat up in the oven, and they loved it... I will definitely get the recipe up on the other site soon. Liam was wiped out, as he had only napped for about 1/2 an hour after the doc, so he dozed on and off through the evening.
And the big news!!!!! Yesterday, we went van shopping. Yep, Manders, I beat ya to it. I'm younger than you, and I caved. We realized we were outgrowing our little car, so a van was definitely in order, especially for road trips. We are now the proud owners of a 2008 Dodge Grand Caravan SE, stow and go, fully loaded, rear back-up camera, 2 dvd screens, power everything--even windows on the sliding doors. It's black, it's shiny, and it was a demo model, so there is only 16,000km on it. I love it, and I know Liam will love it. It also has wireless headphones too for the rear seat, and he can watch his wonder pets, and visit with daddy on the road. Definitely a huge decision, couldn't have done it without the organization and support of Mr. H! Thank you sooo much for everything-I will see you Wednesday!
Today was a lazy Sunday. Did endless amounts of laundry, am still ignoring the dishes, Andy got the fish tank all cleaned up, I sorted stuff in my room, remade our beds, and puttered. Picked up a few groceries, went to Grandma's, as it was her birthday, and gave her birthday pressies. Played with Liam, trying to keep him up as long as he could--he barely napped today, so we didn't want him going down too early. He went to bed at 8, has been up twice, but nothing major.
Going mall walking with Dad and Liam tomorrow, and need to get to the pet store. I have to find some drops for our tank, as one of our fish is looking kinda icky... he's okay, just kinda white haze on some of his scales. And Andy goes back to work tomorrow night, so I'll see how Liam is after supper, and maybe we'll try to go out somewhere.
Should run, my eyes are twitching, and my fingers aren't cooperating anymore. And Manders, coffee on Tuesday sounds really good. Will do the tagged thing on the next blog for sure. Too cool. Until next time, Cheers!
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