Saturday, June 7, 2008

Rain rain go away...

So with all this rain, Liam hasn't been able to enjoy the great outdoors, leading to lack of sleep. Don't get me wrong, he had a couple naps today, but nothing like he would if he had been playing outdoors. The fresh air exhausts him, which is good, as he definitely sleeps alot better. It was a fight to get him down tonight, but finally he exhausted himself trying to fight sleep off... Poor little guy!

Can't really report anything exciting today...didn't really do alot, other than a run to Wal-Mart and Safeway. Ordered a copy of the
Biggest Loser Cookbook from the Chapters website. The author has also written 2 other cookbooks, and she has created some amazing recipes. Her first book, Fast Food Fix, has recipe makeovers for tons of favorite fast food items. Definitely worth a peek if anyone is interested.

Well Liam has already been up once, so we shall see how the night goes, as it is close to midnight now. I should possibly go get a few things done before I head to bed, need to make bottles and do a little tidying up. And we have a birthday party to go to for my parents neighbours kids. Should be fun, maybe the rain will go away... sigh...

Until next time, Cheers!

Liam was being cuddly today...and a baby in a sleeper is still the sweetest thing ever!

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