Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Happy Birthday Mom! Hope we made the rainy day a little brighter for you!

Liam and I spent the day with mom today, to celebrate her birthday. I even baked her a cake--low fat, low cal carrot cake--will have to write down the recipe finally. I'm glad she enjoyed it, it was amazing, not to toot my own horn! And we're glad she liked her pressies---she's easy to shop for, anything I like, she likes!

Liam has come down with a wicked cold, the poor little guy. And he's working on more teeth, so he's been definitely out of sorts. Thank you to Rod though, for the suggestion of the homeopathic teething meds, they work like a charm. I can hear him through the monitor, slightly resembles Darth Vader. And he has now turned on his aquarium, so it is going now, dang it... Hopefully he will sleep through it... sigh...

Managed to have a nice long nap this afternoon---thank you mommy! I'm just starting to get the cold, so hopefully it won't amount to much. Really zaps your appetite. Arg...

We are going to try and get out tomorrow if Liam is feeling a little better, and if the weather isn't so crappy. Probably hit the garden center or something.

Got to see my pictures of my cousin Jennifer's new baby. Ty is absolutely gorgeous Jen, such a little man! We will definitely come to visit when we are all over our colds---that would be the last thing you need!

Am going father's day shopping on Friday, should be fun...

Should run, my nose is running, and I seriously can't keep up with it. Cheers!


Manders said...

Emma always puked right before teeth were going to pop out. She also forgot how to sleep through the night from about 7-8 months until her fourth tooth popped through. So, it could be many things. Hopefully it does get warmer. My kids are getting cabin fever. :)

Melissa said...

It's been pretty rough, I feel so bad for him! I'm getting cabin fever myself, so I completely understand!