Since the beginning of March, by using coupons, I have saved $86.51. I managed to save money on grocery items, shower gels, tons of motrin gel caps---$5.00 off a 60 or 72 count bottle? I'll take it! I ended up buying 5 bottles. I made sure to check the expiry dates, and made sure that prior to coupons, the item was already on sale. It has been a successful coupon month, and I can definitely see next month being even better!
Some tricks I have been learning:
- If you want coupons, ask for them. Write to your favorite companies and request them. They will usually be more than willing to send them out.
- If they are printable coupons, print more than one. It sounds simple, but it helped me save $25.00 on Motrin.
- Costco does not accept coupons, other than their own.
- Again, be organized. Use envelopes, use an accordian file, keep track of expiry dates, etc.
- Check with major grocery stores if they accept competitors coupons--some will, and can save you more money in the long run.
- Keep a running total of how much you save. Write it down on the calendar how much you save at a time. Add it up at the end of the month, and transfer that money into a savings account. You'll be amazed at how it adds up!
Until next time, happy clipping! Our weigh-in is tomorrow afternoon! :)