Friday, September 23, 2011

Our baby is 4 years old!

It was 4 years ago today when we welcomed Liam into the world with open arms. I remember the rush of emotions I felt: fear, strength, love, passion, happiness, completeness, and pure and utter joy. I never thought it could be possible to love someone so incredibly much. To devote myself to this little person. To have someone depend on me. Need me. Love me unconditionally. Make me smile. Make me dance. Make me sing lullabies at 2am. Make my heart swell with love and joy when he smiled. When he laughed. When he held my hand. When he slept. When he crawled, walked, played. I can't imagine my life without him. He has completely and utterly changed my life, made me a better person, and changed my entire outlook on everything.

I look at him now, and how far he has come, and it amazes me. Every day is a new adventure with him, and I love every minute of it. Happy Birthday to our little man! Mommy and Daddy love you so very much!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Coupons Coupons Coupons

Okay, so the title of this blog doesn't really sum up the events since I last blogged, but it is pretty close. I have been getting more and more into couponing... It is definitely therapeutic, I'll give it that, and rewarding. It keeps me occupied, it helps us save money, and increases my slush fund for savings. Simple.

Since the beginning of March, by using coupons, I have saved $86.51. I managed to save money on grocery items, shower gels, tons of motrin gel caps---$5.00 off a 60 or 72 count bottle? I'll take it! I ended up buying 5 bottles. I made sure to check the expiry dates, and made sure that prior to coupons, the item was already on sale. It has been a successful coupon month, and I can definitely see next month being even better!

Some tricks I have been learning:
  • If you want coupons, ask for them. Write to your favorite companies and request them. They will usually be more than willing to send them out. 
  • If they are printable coupons, print more than one. It sounds simple, but it helped me save $25.00 on Motrin.
  • Costco does not accept coupons, other than their own.
  • Again, be organized. Use envelopes, use an accordian file, keep track of expiry dates, etc.
  • Check with major grocery stores if they accept competitors coupons--some will, and can save you more money in the long run.
  • Keep a running total of how much you save. Write it down on the calendar how much you save at a time. Add it up at the end of the month, and transfer that money into a savings account. You'll be amazed at how it adds up! 
And clip, clip, clip!! Check in-store for coupons, they sometimes have them down aisles right by the product. Grab a few--never the whole stack--and keep them for future use, when that item goes on sale! Sounds silly, but try to look at your flyers as you look at your coupons. Use your coupons on the cheapest price!

Until next time, happy clipping! Our weigh-in is tomorrow afternoon! :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

I Love Coupons!

Coupons are every where. In newspapers, in magazines, on store shelves, attached right to products... You get the idea. With today's economy, budgeting is key. Being frugal is important. Saving money on day to day needs keeps the money in your pocket, not in the store. Grocery prices slowly seem to be on the rise. I have always loved "a deal". I love clipping coupons--it's almost my zen point. I also get excited when going on the hunt for new coupons and calculating how much I could potentially save.

Key tips for coupons:
--Only clip coupons for products you already use. Don't just use a coupon for the heck of it--you're spending money on something that you might not use.
--Cashiers sometimes look down on coupons. Have experienced this first hand. Always know--they're jealous of you saving money... okay, or they're just ticked of as you're slowing things down.
--Keep organized. Use envelopes, or get one of those mini accoridan files. Keep track of expiry dates.
--Co-op accepts all competitors coupons, even superbucks from superstore. And Superstore has a wall of coupons usually in their entrance, and sometimes they have awesome deals!
--Keep an eye on your flyers--don't run out the door when you get a coupon--check your flyers, find the lowest sale price, then use your coupon. Get the lowest price. Simple. That is how I got Irish Spring shower gel for $0.99 at Shoppers (it was on sale for $2.99, and I had a $2 off coupon)
--Write to your favorite companies and tell them you love their product-usually you'll get coupons. Or sign up for their email clubs, you will usually get coupons via email.

As for the sites I use, some of them will mail the coupons to you, others you will print yourself.
Also, when I am running low on coupon sources, I usually hit up google and search: canadian coupons, or canadian grocery coupons. It'll bring up tons of hits, just sift through for what you want...

I have figured, since January, I have saved over $150 by using coupons. So, if any of you need help with couponing, let me know! I'll be glad to help! Until next time, happy clipping! And happy saving!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Back on track!

Munching on hummus and pretzels....figured I can relax and blog a bit! We started back up with our weight loss clinic yesterday. It is definitely a step in the right direction. I am back up to almost my highest weight, which scares me. I've also noticed my back and legs have been getting more painful--possibly MS, possibly my body rejecting carrying the extra weight, possibly both... hmmm... Nonetheless, we're back on track. I went to Costco today, and it was the first cartload I have ever bought there that wasn't full of crap. I bought tons of veggies, lean meats, and a low cal cookbook to boot! Back on track? I think so. Just have to stay on track...

Liam had another great day at school--he has definitely improved by leaps and bounds since he has started, not to mention in the past few months. I sometimes worry that by going to preschool 4 days per week, versus the standard 2 for his age, would be pushing him too hard. But I think the pros outweigh the cons in this case. He is interacting with his classmates incredibly well, participates in all the activities, and has discovered his mommy's love of arts and crafts. He also enjoys creative movement, or gym class...They even have them doing dance yoga! And he'll be back to school tomorrow, even though we were seriously debating keeping him home, as he was beyond exhausted tonight.

All in all though, I love being on the go. Taking Liam to and from school four days a week, dreading my growing pile of laundry for the weekend, trying to plan various activities for Liam for spring break at the end of March, and attempt spring cleaning next week when Andy has 8 days off. My spring cleaning is basically gutting the house room by room, and exhausting myself. Then doing it again in the fall, rotating toys and books to keep Liam interested. And did I mention? I have to do healthy meal and snack planning and re-organize my recipes and kitchen supplies.... Yep, I like to be super busy... And also fix the enamel on our tub, re-do the seal around the tub... Yeah....

Back to my hummus... sooo addictively good! Thank you Costco for selling a 2 tub pack of Tribe! Til next time... eat healthy, live happy....

Monday, March 7, 2011

Room to breathe....

I've been meaning to blog for months now...But things have been hectic to say the least. Especially the last week, it seems, so that is why I've got my popcorn and the 'puter, and am ready to roll. As long as Liam doesn't wake up mind you, I should be able to entertain my faithful few blog readers for a bit at least...

Frustration has been running high the past week. Liam has been proving to be a challenge, to say the least. In January, the pediatrician confirmed what we already suspected--that Liam is high functioning autistic. We knew this of course, and I have to admit, it's been easier since we heard the diagnosis. He now has access to so many resources now, such as an aide at school, speech therapy, psychology, occupational therapy, etc. He soon will be set up with an agency who will not only give him an aide for school, but someone who will work at home with him. And also set up therapies. And hopefully get him to eat---that is the biggest struggle, and is becoming harder and harder to deal with--not only emotionally, but financially! He will eat anywhere from 5-10 baby food jars per day, plus yogurt and milk. 

It may sound like I am making it out to be horrible, but there are days where I am truly ready to quit. Then there are the amazing days, when all factors are working with us--right amount of sleep, no tummy troubles, ate alot, no chinooks or harsh weather changes--that I would do it again and again. His laugh, his play, his mannerisms, his love of long car rides, and when he says he loves me... Makes the sometimes rip-your-hair out and cry your eyes out days worth it... It is definitely a constant battle. To get him eating. To get him proper care. To get him all of the therapy he needs. 

It has also been the most difficult now that Andy is back to work full time. I have noticed the really bad days are when he is back at work. Not that I can't handle looking after him, he just misses his daddy. He kept saying tonight "I lost him" and wanted to go see him...

So, needless to say, it's hectic. I take Liam to school 4 days a week (sometimes he only makes it for 3). Most kids go twice a week, but it was recommended he go for 4 days per week, for maximum therapy benefits.  And because his school is a 20 minute drive from our house, I tend to run errands, hit the mall, or hide out in the library. Then, when not feeding him every hour to two hours---baby food doesn't have staying power, I try to go all domestic-cleaning, cooking, cooking make ahead meals for the freezer, coupon clipping--nope not extreme, can't do that in Canada yet. Sundays are our lazy day--I tend to push myself too hard during the week, so I'm exhausted on Sunday. I also fight with Liam during the night--he hasn't quite figured out the concept of sleeping through the night. 

Even with my so called "down time" after he crashes at 9 or 9:30, my mind is still racing. What do I have to do tomorrow? What am I making for dinner? Did I stock up enough on baby food jars? Oh crap--need to vacuum. Oh, still need to do this or that. My mind never stops--seriously wish it did--it's like an anal to-do list on repeat. 

But I've learned my calming devices. Writing lists--multiple ones at times, clipping coupons, bubble baths (love it when Andy is off), cooking, recipe hunting, recipe converting to make fave recipes low fat... And my parents---as shitty of a day that I have, I spend time with them, or talk to them on the phone, I tend to calm down. They have definitely been my saving grace. And Andy... he lets me vent it all out as much as I need to...

My popcorn is almost gone, I'm trying to think of what to make for dinner tomorrow night--tonight's ham and asparagus strata kicked some serious Martha-ass by the way, and what I need to do to get Liam prepped for school tomorrow, what phone calls I need to make, keep tracking down Andy's late paycheque....   Yeah...  should probably try to sleep soon... or cut down on the caffeine... or relax...  or look up some info on ADHD? Night all...   Oh!!! We're going back to the weight loss clinic on Wednesday---time to face the fat (facts) and start fresh!!