Saturday, January 23, 2010

Welcoming The New Year

A new year always brings a fresh start, resolutions, and change. I have tried to follow numerous resolutions in previous years, but always seem to fail, so I'll go with the fresh start. I want to blog more often, definitely something that will happen. I want to take better care of my health, by losing weight, getting more active, etc. Do-able. I want to be more focused on tasks at hand, and be more organized. Could happen. Explore my creativity more. Again, could happen. But I definitely won't beat myself up over not doing these things, but I will try, that's for sure.

We had a nice, quiet Christmas. Liam wasn't too into opening his presents, but he sure liked all of his toys and books. He was especially excited about all the clothes he got too! I know, that will change once he gets older. Spent lots of time with both sides of the family, making Christmas last over 3 days! I am definitely thankful for everything that was given to us--it was very much appreciated!

We took Liam to the feeding support team at Children's Hospital a few days ago for a consultation. We are still having issues with his feeding, and decided that it was time to get help. The team was excellent, gave us great advice, and we will be going back there for repeat clinic appointments. It most likely is due to hypersensitivity, which affects not only his eating, but his hands and feet too. They are referring us to a team that deals with just that, as well as referring us to an speech language pathologist, which should help with his mouth issues. They were slightly concerned with his speech, which I am on the fence about, but we will take all the help we can get at this point. 

This year already feels different! I have more energy, and more ambition to do things. Have been doing some minor repairs and projects at home, re-did Liam's room--with his new big-boy bed!, been doing lots of cooking and baking, and so on... Been taking vitamins daily and we booked our appointment for the weight loss clinic, which is next week. Maybe 2010 is the year for change and goodness! We shall see... It will definitely be the year for blogging, that's for sure!

Cheers all!

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