Friday, February 27, 2009

Traffic Court, Teething and Turkey

Thank you Rubbermaid, for making extremely durable storage boxes. Liam decided it was the perfect place to sit today!

It has been awhile since I blogged last. Things have been hectic lately, but I am actually able to sit down for a few minutes and ramble! I went to Traffic Court on Monday to give a statement against the person that pulled the hit-and-run on me last year. Thankfully Liam wasn't in the car at the time, and I wasn't hurt. And also, chasing him down, though stupid, was definitely worth it. So, off I went to court, expecting to take the stand. Was informed that the reason I was there, was because he was fighting the careless driving charges, but pleading guilty to the hit and run charge. After sitting through other traffic offense cases, his name was called, the police and lawyer talked to him, and convinced him to plead guilty on all charges. I was more than happy with the decision, as it meant I didn't have to take the stand--I've done enough of that lately, and still have more of that to do in the future.

Liam has been teething like crazy lately, working on a stubborn tooth that finally had a point cut through today. He has other molars coming, which are making him a little unpredictable and fussy, but nothing like he could be. Otherwise, we've been spending lots of time at home, playing and watching his favorite shows. He got a copy of the new Wonderpets DVD today, so he was watching alot of that--thank you Mr. & Mrs. H.

Have been battling a head cold the past few days, which hasn't been fun, but it's not too bad. I've had problems with my sinuses all my life, so it doesn't really phase me now...

Made a huge and very yummy turkey dinner last night. Thank you mom and dad for the bird--it was perfect! I did the stuffing in the slow cooker, made mashed taters, veggies and gravy. Sooo good! We went to Coffee n' Scream after dinner to let Liam play, which wiped him right out. Makes me wonder if he's catching my cold, or if it's the possible chinook that will be coming, or all teething... Hmmm...

We bought an ice cream maker the other day. We found it new on the classified ad web sites I check out all the time. It had never been used! We have made 2 batches of ice cream so far. Last night we made a 5-Layer Bar Ice Cream--toasted coconut, sweetened condensed milk, pecans, graham cracker chunks, chocolate chips and butterscotch chips. So scrumptious and completely sinful! Tonight we made an eggnog ice cream, which would be fantastic to top a fruit crisp with!

Tomorrow will be a lazy day. Andy goes back to work tomorrow night, so will be sleeping during the day. I really would like to get caught up on laundry--mostly putting it away, so we shall see. Will definitely try to get in a nap again tomorrow--had one today and it was amazing! I felt alot better when I got up...

Should run, gonna watch some TV then curl up in bed... I love my sleep! Cheers!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Stress, Teething and Exhaustion

Grandpa P. & Liam
Haven't blogged in a few days, mostly due to being extremely tired. I tend to get overtired and blah when I get stressed, and my MS tends to flare up quite a bit. As well, I have an extremely sore left jaw. I think I have been clenching my jaw at night when I sleep, and I also suffer from temporal mandibular dislocation with both jaws-meaning, my jaw doesn't line up properly and clicks rather loudly. I can actually say I have a big mouth! So, needless to say, it hurts. Motrin has been helping alot and I know if I de-stress myself, I will feel better.

Went to Chinook this morning with Liam and my parents. Did a big mall walk, well, run. Liam was moving it pretty good today, and was so proud of himself. Dad and Liam went on the carousel--watching Dad turn white and look sick? Not good. They should really slow that thing down! I think that is why there is barely anyone riding it at any given time-they know better!

And Liam is getting smarter by the day. If I say "no" or "ta-ta" to him, he sticks out his forehead for a kiss to say sorry. If I am not facing him, he grabs my face and turns it toward him. It's absolutely priceless! He was a bit grouchy today, mostly due to teething--yep, he's still teething. It's been non-stop! He also hates being in his stroller now, as he loves to walk! Can get a little frustrating when we're in a busy store, but we make the best of it. I am going to take him to a quiet mall tomorrow morning and let him walk to his hearts content.

Tomorrow afternoon, I am off to court. This is one of the reasons for my stress and exhaustion. This is different than my own court case. I am going to give a statement against someone who did a hit and run on our car a few months back. He not only did the hit and run--but I caught him about 8-10 blocks away--but he only had a learners. And it wasn't his car. So, that's the plan for my afternoon tomorrow. Andy is going to get up early (he's off tomorrow night) and look after Liam. So a mall walk in the morning to tire Liam down is probably a good idea, as anyone other than me getting him to nap? Not easy.

Needless to say, I'm enjoying the vomit free days and nights now. Just get tomorrow over with, and I will feel a bit better. Get my own court date in May over with, and things will be alot better. There are still some other issues I want to deal with, but will keep you posted on the results.

Should run, am going to have some soup. Comfort food. That's where it's at. Might even curl up in bed with a book and ear plugs--just kidding about the ear plugs...maybe... Night!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rant, Raves & Octuplets...

As everyone knows, there is a woman in the states who gave birth to octuplets recently. I picked up a copy of Life & Style today, as she is featured on the cover next to a picture of Angelina Jolie. Curiosity got the best of me, so I had to check it out. Nadya Suleman, the mom of the octuplets, plus 6 other children, bears an eerie resemblance to Angelina Jolie. So, I read the article, then went online to find more dirt. She is living with her parents in a 3 bedroom house, which is unacceptable for that many people to reside comfortably. She did in-vitro, and was given higher doses during treatment. Ethically, medically and morally wrong. She lives on two forms of government assistance and food stamps, and her parents' house is being threatened by foreclosure. She hasn't worked since she had her first child, but was apparently married back then. My point in all of this... Not only is this morally and ethically wrong with all parties involved, but this woman idolizes Angelina Jolie. Some reports of course deny it, but she seems to following the path of Angelina. I have very high respect for Angelina, her family and all that she does. Yes, she does seem to be a little over the top with her ever growing family. But kudos to her. She has more than enough money, stability, and support, that you know the children will grow up in a safe, loving and comfortable environment. Then you get someone who, yes, loves all of her 14 children. She loves being a mother. Fine. But she is not stable, financially or mentally to handle it. She was employed in a state mental hospital, has already divorced, and knowingly accepted larger than normal amounts of treatment to conceive multiples. She collects government assistance, food stamps and was going to use her student loans to finance her evergrowing family. She has limited education and lives with her parents in a house that may soon be owned by the bank...

So, should a few psych evaluations be done? Should social services get involved? It boils down to the media and Hollywood showing off glamorous pregnancies, multiple births and gorgeous mommies making it look easy as pie raising more than 1 child. I don't believe she understands what she is doing. Has she thought about the future? About the financial and emotional struggles of being a single parent to 14 children. Does she have any morals? Leave the mass child bearing and adoptions to those that can handle it. Wanting to be a mommy is one thing, having 14 children with no planning, future or foundation? It's wrong...

On the flip side... We went to the zoo yesterday and let Liam toddle around. We saw Granny F. there, as she was there with her school for the day. We saw a couple with 4 kids, 3 in a stroller, 1 walking. Turns out one was there own, one was a niece, and the twins were foster children. It definitely takes a special person to do that, as you sometimes get them as a newborn, and then have them for a few years, and then they're gone...

Should run though, need to get off the couch and get busy. Cheers!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Better Days Ahead...And Losing Pounds

So we went vomit free last night. We cut down his milk yesterday, increased his solids, gave 2 doses of tylenol, and a dose of his anti-gas meds in the evening. Seemed to do the trick. He went down at 10:30pm--I know, it's late, woke up 1/2 an hour later with a nightmare, woke at 2am to sleep with me, and we woke up at 8:15am. Rested, happy, and puke free. And, he's already down for his nap, a whole hour earlier. We'll just keep it up--it's basically guess and test with him, meaning it's alot of work. But we shall keep going, as we seem to be making progress!

Went for our weigh-in today. Andy lost a whopping 8.6 pounds--in a week! I lost 1.6 pounds, so am down 4 pounds in 2 weeks! We're definitely back on track. We did a treat mini-lunch after weigh-in, which we like to do. It definitely keeps us motivated and not feeling completely treat deprived. And moderation is key. And being active. I know that we are more successful come the warmer weather, ut we are looking into going to a gym soon, so we shall see. Should be good to see what happens in 2 weeks at our next weigh-in! And I didn't fall this time, thank goodness! Their sidewalks were completely clear and the clinic owner was very apologetic and worried for us.

We're taking it easy the rest of the day, letting Liam relax with his constant teething. Might try to get to the zoo tomorrow, as the weather is supposed to be nicer. And visit my parents tomorrow, bring up some things for storage.

Until next time.... Cheers!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

More Vomit & Needing A Break

I had 2 nights of Liam not vomiting. I apparently took it for granted, as he was sick and miserable twice tonight. To all of the medical professionals that say that teething does not affect babes, please come and see me. They can come and scrub my carpets, wrestle him to bed, do endless loads of laundry, and dread bedtime as I do. It was a 2 hour long fight, he's been down for not even half an hour, and he's stirring again. I broke down after I got him to sleep. The frustration and lack of sleep was building, and I just had to run back down and settle him... Tomorrow, we'll cut down more on his bottles, monitor his solids, and give him some of his anti-gas meds and see how tomorrow night will be... he definitely needs to cut down on his milk.

We are off to Grandma's tomorrow to do her biweekly cleaning. We'll see how Liam is in the morning, if he's iffy, I might leave him with Andy and go myself. I would prefer for all of us to go, that way I can get her cleaning done, and she can visit with them. We shall see what the morning brings....

On the plus side, as I am starting to relax now, Liam was doing so many new things today. We tried fingerpainting again, with more success. Granted most of the paint didn't go on the paper. It was on his booster chair, me, him, his forehead, the table... everywhere. But the finished product, as you can see, was worth it. Then I got busy in the kitchen doing dishes, and left him in the livingroom to watch In The Night Garden. He gets really into the show, so silence doesn't surprise me... He doesn't really get into anything, so I didn't worry, but checked on him. He was laying on his side on the couch, watching his show, drinking his juice from his sippy cup. It's new to us, as he has sensitive hands, so he doesn't tend to hold things. But there he was, curled up, chugging his juice. Then at dinner, he was playing with his ride-on car, swung his leg over and got on. He moved it back and forth with his feet, sitting proud, then got off, and managed to do it a few more times... So the nights may be hell, but the days make it worth it... usually... he's stirring again... sigh...

This doesn't mean that I don't want a break. How I would love a couple hours by myself, with no worries. I am going to see if my parents will watch him Friday after dinner, then I will go and pick up groceries and unload them. They said they would watch Liam next week so Andy and I could go for dinner, which I am looking forward to alot! I just need a break. And some help. There is alot of laundry and cleaning to get caught up on, and I got behind after I slipped on the ice. So the next few days, I get to play catch up while Andy looks after the kiddo... Thankfully... I did have a hot bubble bath tonight though, after having amazing takeout from Montana's... It hasn't been too bad, all in all. I just dread bedtime, as I worry for Liam... It's always a guessing game with him puking... sigh...

Tuesday is weigh-in. Definitely glad we're back on track. It feels good to be doing it, and I love revamping favorite recipes to make them healthier--I'm always up for a challenge...

Should getting caught up on recorded shows... Survivor... ahh... Cheers!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Late Naps & Happy Heart Day Tomorrow...

Then & Now...what a change for sure!!!!
Am having an early break today, as Liam is having a very late nap. We had a rough night last night, but he slept until 10 this morning, so I can't complain. He was fussy about food this morning, tired, but wouldn't sleep. Went to the mall with my mom, walked around, bought him a soccerball, which he loves. He finally crashed at 6:15 tonight, and is still sleeping an hour and half later... So, we shall see what tonight will bring.

My dad is having a rough time. He seems to have gone backwards with his progress, and had to use his cane. I desperately want to help him, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I hope he takes it easy and focuses on recovery, instead of pushing himself to the limit, which he tends to do. We shall see...

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I agree with you Manders, it has become highly commercialized. We agreed not to spend very much on each other, but to spoil Liam instead. You shouldn't need a day to show how much you love someone. You should show them you love them throughout the year equally. I find it's the little things that he does, that makes my heart melt. I was crying the other day, as I was upset, and he took my hand and just held it. Or when he treats me to something from Lush or watches my shows with me. I love how he is now with Liam, they walk around together, play on the floor. Andy looks out for us, provides for us, and takes care of us. I appreciate him and what he does for both of us more and more each day. He keeps me going, makes me laugh and teaches me new things. He's my rock, my best friend and my everything. I don't know what I would do without him! We definitely have our adventures and we have sure made some amazing memories. We stand by each other through everything, and he fills in for what I lack--I hope I do the same for him... Through my struggles with MS, other health problems, emotional problems and the court case, he has been there, with open arms. We definitely complete each other, and no matter what, I always know he'll be there...

Tomorrow is still up in the air, and is dependent on the weather. If it's going to be super cold, then we're staying in. But if it's half decent, I'd like to get to Superstore to pick up a few more jars of baby food, Liam's milk, and a few odds and ends for the week. We shall see what tomorrow brings, I hate the cold weather! I also need to figure out something to make for a "romantic dinner" tomorrow night... hmm...

Should run...peanut butter and jam are calling my name... and motrin, am still very stiff and sore... Cheers!

UPDATE: Liam got up at 9:00, and didn't go back to bed until 11:45pm... my goodness... hopefully tomorrow will be a bit easier... but he didn't throw up!!! Yay! A break from laundry...for now...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Vomit Night #4, A Green Elbow, Exhaustion

He's such a cutie!!
So Liam threw up again tonight, making it the 4th night in a row. It always happens around 10ish, so I know to possibly expect it. I altered some of his eating and bottles today, making sure he didn't take in too much milk. Sadly, he's teething really badly, and his gums are just bulging! This always happens when he teeths, so I get used to it. But I'm getting overtired from lack of sleep with him, and having to stay up to finish laundry nightly. Last night, it was my clothes, his clothes and my comforter, then a 2nd round of vomit produced another load of laundry. Tonight was nothing compared to the past 3 nights, probably because I limited his bottles. I'm slowly figuring it out... Tomorrow I'm going to cut back more on his yogurt, not give him apples or pears--he gets too much gas, and take it from there... We shall see... I did some research online about his vomiting, his problems with solids, and so on... His pediatrician had mentioned he is a sensitive gagger. So, there is a condition of Hypersensitive Gag reflex. I read some parent's stories and concerns, and they are identical to the problems with Liam. It will definitely help to go to the nutrition clinic, they can offer help in how to feed him, as it is something he will have to grow out of... so what I learned is, patience is a virtue, as it might be a long road... there were a few 5 or 6 year olds that were still having issues. The upside of this is, it presents a challenge, which I want to tackle head on. Alot of the things we've been doing are correct, and we are not to force new or different foods/textures on him all the time. We should space them out, so we don't make his eating experiences traumatic. Others suggested doing 6 mini meals, instead of the pressure of 3 main meals. Others suggested starting over, with single foods, then mixes... So, we shall see. I'll make a few more changes tomorrow....

My elbow has turned a pretty shade of green, and both are sore and stiff. My back, hips and neck are still pretty sore and stiff, but it could have been alot worse. Bylaw was called, and they went out to check on it, so they will be maintaining it more often.

Walked Chinook Mall today, got Liam pj's and socks, and pj bottoms for myself. Exciting stuff... He sure loves his walks... Will try to get him walking tomorrow, depending on the weather. Looking outside right now, the snow is is falling... Should run... Cheers!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Watch For Ice And Falling People... A Half-Day Recap

Very painful, that's all I have to say!!! Poor kiddo!

So today was the big weigh-in. Usually we go every two weeks, but since we had fallen off track, we wanted to go every week for a couple weeks. So, we went to the clinic. Well, we tried. I got out of the van, carried Liam out, Andy followed behind, walked across the snow, took one step onto the sidewalk and my feet went out from under me. Yes, I fell. Hard. Very hard. And carrying Liam. So going down on the ice is one thing. Having a child in my arms is another. A heavy child. I managed to keep him in my arms, taking most of the fall on my back, elbows and head. Needless to say, Liam, for the most part is fine. His face hit the hard part of a snow drift, causing a fat bottom lip, a cut under his nose, and a bloody nose. He also has red marks on his forehead and chin. He was hysterical as we rushed into the clinic, threw up a bit, and then eventually we got him calmed down and cleaned up. The ladies at the clinic rushed out to salt the sidewalk--should have been done alot sooner mind you. The sidewalk was complete ice, covered with snow, so it was a wonder we weren't hurt worse. My elbows are killing me and one of them is cut up pretty good, my back and head hurt, and everything else in between is stiff and sore. On the plus side, after a week of smartening up, I lost 2.4 pounds. Definitely positive. Andy gained 0.5 pounds, but we'll see what happens next week. We're getting back on track, it definitely takes alot of willpower and determination. I definitely want to keep losing weight, as I want to go horseback riding and have more energy to chase after Liam.

Liam is sleeping, my elbow is twinging, and I have alot of chores to get caught up on. Andy is going to shovel the snow in awhile, steam clean my bedroom rug after Liam wakes up, and I'll try to get the soaked pukey laundry done and dishes... Unfortunately, the couch is soooo comfy... and ER is on soon... and sigh... eventually I shall get up... Until next time, Cheers!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Beef Makes Him Puke and Horses Make Me Dizzy

As promised, I said I would blog more often. We slept in this morning, lazed around a bit, had brekkie, then dragged ourselves out the door. We headed off to Chinook for a mall walk, which Liam loved. He's absolutely hilarious when he walks in the malls. He will stop dead when there is a different type of flooring or tile color ahead, and becomes very hesitant about walking on this mysterious new surface. Thank you Chinook Centre, for using at least 5 different colors/flooring types. It made for a long mall walk. Definitely. We went to Build-a-Bear to pick up a Valentines Day present for Liam. We picked him up the adorable moose, with an cute Calgary Flames hoodie. That store is amazing, and the staff is very helpful. We wandered some more, then headed for the carousel in the food court. I have been wanting to take Liam on it for quite some time, so on we went. It's stunning how fast that thing can spin!! Liam was giggling as the horse went up and down, Andy was fine, and I was spinning. And dizzy. And queazy. But having a blast. Liam really enjoyed it, and we paid the extra $2 to have our photo taken.

Liam had a late nap, didn't get up until 5, then I took him out for a bit while Andy stayed at home to steam clean the vomit remnants from the carpet. We played at home, and I took him down at 10, which is when he should have crashed. He wouldn't settle, then he puked. And kept puking. Everywhere. On me. Him. The floor. More on the floor. We decided the best option was to have both of us jump in the shower. BAD idea. Apparently Liam is scared s***less of the shower, and proceeded to not only shake violently, but to go hysterical and stiff as a board. So, the shower went off, the tub started to fill and in we went. He laughed and giggled, soaked Andy and I, and had a blast. Then we let him play on the bed, figuring he would tire himself out. Nope, not so much. 11:15 he finally crashed. It has been quiet ever since, and now I worry for the morning, if it will be a sleep in day or not... I have learned one thing... BEEF does NOT agree with Liam. In any way, shape or form. Sigh...

Are heading to the clinic for a weigh-in tomorrow. Hopefully it will be more positive than the last time! More steam cleaning of rugs tomorrow, laundry, dishes, and random chores... Should try to get some sleep though! Cheers!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Puke, Flames & Broken Glass...A Week In Review

Liam in his new jersey from Mr. & Mrs. H, looking soooo adorable. And Liam on the couch with Daddy, ready for action.

So, almost another week has gone by...I've tried to blog more, I truly have. I'd love to know how many people really read this though! I know of a few, who don't leave comments, but definitely let me know you're here!

I'm sitting here watching the Grammy's. I absolutely love them, and make a huge point of watching them every year. It's definitely interesting to see the changes in music--and fashion--styles, from year to year. I'm still not sure if some of the artists actually look in a mirror before they go on stage, but it always makes for a good laugh.

The title of my blog simply describes our week. Liam had a 2 day break from teething, and was sleeping great. Then his teeth starting flaring up again, so sleep was lost, puke was expelled on numerous surfaces, and tears were shed. It's truly amazing how much puke a carpet can handle, but I think it will be reaching it's limit soon. We have been doing lots of mall walks, which definitely benefits all of us. It's absolutely amazing and adorable to watch Liam trotting around like a little man. So priceless.We bought him new shoes, as he was starting to outgrow his other pair--sorry, Mom, $55 shoes were adorable at the time... We went to Payless for his new ones, a cute pair of Airwalk skater shoes, with a skull stripe pattern. He loves them, and gets so excited when he sees his shoes, as he knows it means a walk.

I went to my first Calgary Flames game yesterday. It was an absolute blast! I went with Andy and his brother Craig, and hiked all the stairs, as our seats were at the very top. I'll admit, most of the time I didn't have a clue as to what was going on, but that didn't stop me from having fun! Granted we lost the game, the stairs were killer (I found an elevator after the first period), and if I jumped I could touch the ceiling. But it was loud, there were some good fights, and the concourse is very cool. Yes, I'll admit it: I came for the food! They have a Good Earth there. And Pocket Dawgs. And highly overpriced, but sooooo tasty, nachos. And peanuts in the shell. I felt so horrible just throwing the shells on the floor, which Andy thought was hilarious. It was definitely a fantastic time, and I would love to go to another game! But in closer seats. Definitely...

We thought we heard a gunshot outside our place this afternoon. I went to the kitchen, didn't see or hear anything else, so didn't think anything more of it. Andy went into the kitchen to grab a drink, and found the cause of the loud bang. A glass bottle of Perrier had exploded and shattered in our fridge. Apparently the top shelf of our fridge is extremely cold, causing the bottle to freeze and explode. So, we spent alot of time cleaning green shards of glass from every crevice in the fridge. Definitely crazy!

Tomorrow we are going to head to Chinook to do a mall walk, check out the carousel, let Liam strut his stuff. For the rest of the week, catch up on chores, sleep, and laundry. Until next time, Cheers! Oh, and enjoy the video I snagged from Hey Lola ! She is hilarious! Poor kid though! Gotta love the gas!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Poop In The Hand Is Worth A Million Laughs...& a week in review..

It's been another week since I blogged last. I truly mean to blog more often, then things around here get hectic, and it falls to the bottom of my ever-growing to-do list. So here goes. We are now the proud owners of a van. We had been debating this for quite some time, and it came down to the fact that, we were outgrowing our car. Grocery trips were tricky, travel impossible. So, it was time for a van. Yes, Amanda, vans can be cool. I just beat you to the coolness factor. Just kidding! We bought a 2008 Dodge Grand Caravan SE. It's black, big (my goodness), and fully loaded. It has 2 dvd screens, so Liam is in heaven, slide-down windows on the sliding doors, a rear back up camera--so helpful, a hard drive to save music and Wonderpets, and lots more fun stuff. It has low mileage, and is in immaculate shape. I absolutely love it! And Mr. H., it does feel like I am driving the president around! Or the mafia, I'm not sure which. Sad thing is, the first night we were driving it, we managed to get it stuck backing out in the alley. Too priceless! Thank goodness for cat litter and alot of pushing from Andy--sorry! Oh! And it has stow and go seating! I love it!

We went to the Glenbow Museum on Saturday. It was a fun morning, and Liam walked every floor of the museum. The Mavericks section was Andy and I's favorite, definitely something to check out again. And the Marilyn Monroe exhibit was definitely something to see. We will definitely be going back there, even Liam liked it. He was knocking on the display cabinets, and thinking the rock display cabinets were fish tanks... priceless...

Have been doing alot of mall walks lately, and Liam can do laps of the malls now. He has been teething alot lately, and I hope for his sake mostly, that he gets a break soon. We're still working on solids with him, and will be going to the nutrition clinic to see if they can help. He has been climbing up and down on the couch like a pro, mimicking everything we say and do (no more trucker talk around here--f$%#!!!), and playing with poop. Yes, the child who hates things touching his hands, casually reached in his diaper today, and retrieved some poop. He thought it was hilarious, I panicked. And scrubbed him down. And sanitized. And scrubbed some more... He must have thought I had gone crazy! Definitely something to remind him of when he's older... priceless...

Went to the weight loss clinic yesterday for judgement day. Christmas was good to us... so was New Year's... and any other holiday that is observed across the world. We both gained, but it was a good learning experience. So, the main thing, we're back on track. Watching portions, drinking more water, getting more active. We're planning on joining a gym downtown soon, and they allow use of the pool too, which will be fun. Am also going to take Liam swimming to Mom & Tots swimming programs twice a month, and keep up the mall walks.

Am definitely enjoying the quiet time right now. There hasn't been alot of it lately, as Liam hasn't been sleeping well the past week. It's amazing that he can take up most of a queen size bed with me... Too adorable! I'm a bed hog too, though, so it's only natural. We fight for space... and speak of the devil.... Until next time... Cheers!