It has been awhile since I last blogged. I have definitely wanted to, and should have, but I always seem to find something else to do. So I am on downtime right now, sick with a horrible cold. My eyes are all watery, my nose is like a broken faucet, and my head is extremely congested. Thank goodness for decongestants and lots of kleenex. And, TLC is doing their Wednesday night Jon & Kate Plus 8 marathon, so I'm all set. Liam is sort of sleeping right now, I can hear his aquarium bubbling away. He has been pretty up and down lately, mostly from teething and all of it's joyous side effects. But he's not absolutely horrible, so I can manage. Just can't blow my nose around him--he tends to cry alot.
Christmas is definitely coming fast. Still have some shopping to do, but the majority of it is done. Have to wrap it all, mind you, but I need to buy more wrapping paper and supplies. Put up the tree and decorated it over the past 2 days--it looks gorgeous. I was definitely worried about Liam this year, and the tree staying in one piece. He tried to slyly sneak over to it today to touch a few of the ornaments, but nothing major. He loves the shiny silver balls, as he can see himself in them, and giggles.
Am going to work on my Christmas cards, letters and photos over the next few days, and hopefully get them in the mail for Monday pick up. Still have to decorate a bit more, do even more baking--I've been baking up a storm lately. Am definitely going to be more organized next year for Christmas though, get some baking done early, have the cards in the mail the beginning of December, have presents purchased and wrapped by mid-december... sounds great doesn't it? I say it every year... It's always my New Year's Resolution!
Dad is doing alot better now, they have taken both bandages off his foot, and he can walk without his cane. Definitely has been a scary time for everyone involved! He's bounced back very well, just has to take it easy, as it swells up alot.
We have been going to playgroup once a week, and it's been alot of fun. Definitely good for Liam to get out and socialize. And he been to see Santa twice now, have posted the picture from his first visit at Fort Calgary.
Other than that, we have just been getting ready for Christmas. Also need to figure out a date, as we will be having friends over for munchies, sort of an open house. Should run though, there is silence now, so I can go to sleep soon! Night!
I think the only reason I was even half organised this year is because I had Clive on the way. I did my shopping in the summer, now it's just finishing off some photo albums for people. Cards were a weekend ordeal and not handwritten - we went for the photo card option. A lot more expensive, but time is priceless with a newborn, as I'm sure you know! Good luck getting it all done :)
I still have my Christmas cards here. They are ready, just not mailed yet... Tomorrow's job!
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