Friday, July 4, 2008

Love CAN Conquer All...In Many Ways...

Apparently love can conquer all. She is not leaving her husband. He has agreed to go to counselling and do whatever it takes. He took the kids to a waterpark. He worked--a bit. He spent the day with the family. He has until December, or she will leave for good. She had all the lawyers booked, the U-Haul was booked, and her mind was made up. The love each other dearly, so we shall see. Hopefully he makes good on his word and his promises. For the kids sake. For her sake. And for himself.
A woman I went to high school with, and worked with later on passed away at the beginning of June. I found this out through facebook. It gave me shivers reading her tribute page, watching a video of her taped less than a month ago; she had a smile on her face. Thinking of her family, friends, her husband, and, the worst part, her 2 little kids. She was my age. Beautiful, genuine, sweet, outgoing, and she had such a bubbly personality. She touched everyone's life that she was a part of. She was an excellent mommy--she was expecting the last year of high school. I remember that well, she was scared as hell, but excited. That is how she lived her life. Apparently her last days were spent in sadness and inner pain. Her family wishes to keep her death private. Understandable. They are devastated, as it happened so quickly. Some saw it coming, others did not. I am deeply upset by all of this. I knew her through high school, I was friends with her friends, I chatted with her from time to time. She loved soccer, her friends, and her kids. She loved life as best she could. She definitely will rest in peace and in our hearts.
Liam went swimming in his little pool for the first time yesterday. He absolutely loved it! He splashed and laughed at himself. He has been busy scooting around on his bum lately, and trying to pull himself up on anything that will hold still long enough. He was saying "hi" alot tonight, it was so adorable. He does something new every day it seems!

I think the reason why her death has hit me hard, is that she was a mom. To 2 children. They are the most adorable children, they look like little angels. The pictures of her and them, they looked incredibly happy and sweet. Now they have no mother to grow up with, to share their lives with, their adventures. They will not have a mom to wipe away their tears, share their laughter and secrets with, to grow up with. Not only did we lose a beautiful young woman, 2 innocent little children lost their mother. That is something that I find completely unimaginable. She was one of the those people that you could just picture being a great mom. She was so loving and passionate. How do you explain that to children... that their mom is gone because, put simply, she was too sad to live. Yes, they are young, but, their little hearts and minds will never forget their mommy. I truly hope she has finally found peace with herself.
Onward...have been postponing cleaning the past few days, but will get caught up over the next few days. Did my shot on Wednesday night, and it hit me really hard the next day. Was exhausted, and moody, and had wicked headaches. Also have a few other health issues going on, but we shall see how I feel after they are taken care of.

Am going downtown with Liam and mom tomorrow, see what is going on for stampede down there. Will be going to the annual stampede bbq dinner on Monday night at the funeral home--yep, that's right. Good food, family and friends. We even have a cowboy hat and western shirt for Liam, can't wait for our little cowboy to go.

Weight loss update: Andy is down another 5.3 pounds, so he is down 64.8 pounds! WAY TO GO! And I lost another 2.8 pounds, so am down a total of 27.6 pounds (total 71 after Liam!!).

Should run, need to make bottles, and get the dishwasher at least loaded. OH! And switch the laundry. Dang it! Cheers!

1 comment:

Manders said...

I am sorry to hear about your friend. Life is hard. I feel for those little ones. Life without your mom...I can't imagine. I will pray for them.